
Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Pirate and the Flower

I've decided to start a new project!  For the last year since I got sick I've had a lot of trouble writing.  My illness has greatly effected the way I write and some days I can't even focus to write a single sentence.  I've decided that in order to regain what writing skill I have, I'm gonna have to just sit my ass down and write.

I may not write a full page a day, but I sure as hell can try.  I may not even be able to write some days, but as long as I try I consider that a success.  I may not post everything I write, but I will give a few peeks here and there.

Feel free to leave me comments and even critiques, but please keep them both tasteful.

Without further ado... Here's today's page!


“I know what it is you desire.”  She said to me.

I smirked at her.  “And just what is it you think I want?”

I could hear her returning smirk, those cherry painted lips twitching upward.  Her fingers splayed over the table and she caressed my hand.

“The only thing that any blind man truly wants,” her finger traced a path up my wrist, “To see again.”

She jumped when I laughed.  I could sense her shock.  She hadn’t expected that.  She had expected me to come crawling, begging over to her, and pleading to be given that simple gift of sight.  But I had no desire to see again.  No one ever understood why.  There was a peace within the never-ending darkness.  It was a whole new world and once the other senses took over, it’s not always necessary to see with the eyes.

I swayed to my feet.  My boots made a distinctive thud on the wooden floor of the tavern as I circled the table.  I paused behind her chair and leaned down.  I reached over and with the faintest brush of my fingers, tucked her hair behind one of her slightly pointed half elven ears.

“My dear lady, you have no idea what it is that I truly want.”  I whispered.

She sat frozen and then she too laughed, “Is that all that you desire?  Men, your all the same aren’t you?  Sex and booze and you’re happy as a clam.”

I chuckled as I finished the circle around the table.  I tucked the map I had pulled from her pocket into my own pocket.  It had been easy to lift it from her pocket—too easy.  I hide the tension, the anticipation of what she might do next.  Not many noticed when I lifted something from their pockets.  It was easier to do if you bumped into the person.  It was even easier as a blind man.

I could hear her loosen her top as she leaned over the table toward me.  So many women forgot far too quickly how their assets were lost on me.  It didn’t stop my desire for them nor me from taking them to my bed.  Sex was so much better as a blind man.

“Well, if that’s all you want in exchange for a little map.  I don’t usually share a room with a man upon the first meeting, but I’ll make an exception for you.”

Again I chuckled as I turned my chair around and sat down in it backward, “I cannot say that I do not desire you.  What man would not want such a beautiful, delicate little flower?”

She laughed, “I am far from delicate, pirate.”

I ran a hand through my dark red hair, flashing her one of my best, charming smiles.  It was one that had so very often made women faint.  I so loved it when they did, but this woman was different and I knew she would not faint.  But it didn’t mean I couldn’t try.

“Mmm.  I guess I won’t know how delicate you are not until you show me.”  I said.

“Perhaps we should take this upstairs so that I can show you.”  She said.

“Why don’t we start with a bottle of rum first?”

“But you already have a bottle.”  She gestured to the one sitting on the table.

“Ah yes, but it is empty.”  I said as I lifted the bottle and drained the last of the golden liquid.

She laughed and beckoned a server to bring us another bottle, “So the stories about the rum disappearing when you’re around are true?”

“So you have heard of me.”

“Who hasn’t heard of the deadly pirate Captain Grimhawk?”  She said.

“You would be surprised by how many have not.”  I said.

“You know there’s something I’ve always wanted to ask you.”

“And what might that be?”

She thanked the server and began to pour two glasses of rum, “How does an elf become such a greedy and deadly pirate?  Normally your kind sit around in trees and stay hidden from the rest of the world in their forest.  Or they are stuck up pricks that need to pull a stick out of their asses.”

I lifted my glass when she passed it over, “Well, I am no ordinary elf.”

She laughed at my vague answer and drank from her glass.  I lifted mine in toast before sipping.  I could feel her eyes on me, so I took a deeper drink from my glass.

“Ahh, rum.  A drink from the very heavens if ever there was one.”  I said.

Her voice filled with amusement, “I’ve heard tell that pirates generally water down the rum to make it last longer.”

“And spoil the flavor?”  I scoffed.  “Not on your life lady.  At least not my rum.”  My rum was far more different and so much better than the piss taverns served, but they did not tend to like it when you brought your own liquor.

She chuckled again and filled my glass, but she did not feel her own.  I pretended not to notice.  The woman intended to get me drunk and probably take off with everything I owned.  She’d probably try to take my ship out of the harbor too.  I took another long drink from my glass so as to hide my amused smile.

“Shall we acquire another bottle and head to your room, pirate?”  She slid her hand across the table to trace the lines of my palm.

“Better make it two bottles, flower.”

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