
Friday, May 10, 2013

The Azure Towers of Lonan

Well, I had a bit of trouble focusing today, but I managed to get something written!  This is a different story from yesterday's Page, because I felt like doing something different.  I hope you like it!  Time to brainstorm for tomorrow now!


In the city of Lonan, two towers domed in deep sapphire loom over the city.  A series of black stone bridges connect the two towers.  The bridges twine in an obscure manner, some meeting, some spiraling upward or downward and some meeting halfway to go no further.  Only those that reside within the towers could truly know the right path to where ever they might be going within the towers.

At the heart and center of the city stood a brilliant sapphire fountain that continuously filled with sparkling, fresh, ice cold water.  It was a blessing for this desert city for there was no known water within miles.  And it was here that Esaias stood with his sapphire blue eyes fixed on the giant towers.

He had once heard of a legend that said when the first Raeca settled here, they imbued the fountain with magic to keep it always churning the purest water.  Raeca.  Esaias consciously ran a hand through his red-streaked black hair.  People on the street glanced at Esaias and quickly moved away from him. He was used to it now, so he did not even scowl at them as they hurried passed.

Raeca were the mages, healers, and magic-users.  Not every magic-user was Raeca.  Raeca are different from other mages, because they control some of the most powerful magic and as a result are more dangerous than other mages.

A Raeca child will be born of the same race as his or her mortal mother and father.  The difference between a Raeca and a normal child is that the Raeca is born with magic flowing through their veins.  Because of the magic, a Raeca child is very dangerous.  At birth, a Raeca has no control over their magic.  Many Raeca do not survive birth because of their uncontrolled magic.

The Raeca of the Azure Towers seek out Raeca children to both protect people and to keep their own magic alive.  It is said that Raeca once dominated the world.  They are said to be born of the dragons that walked before the lesser races.  The true origins of the Raeca are unknown, those tales and scrolls having been lost many thousands of years ago.

Unlike other mages of the world, Raeca are born with the only the ability to control the elements.  It is rare that a Raeca can control more than one element.  No Raeca has ever been known to have delved into the depths of necromancy, but there have been Raeca’s with the ability to heal.

Each element that a Raeca can control is reflected through the Raeca’s hair and skin.  Often a Raeca is born with tattoos that shimmer with a color associated with an element—blue for water, red, orange or yellow for fire, green or brown for earth, purple for air and white for healing.  Other times a Raeca will be born with streaks of color in their hair or their hair will be an unnatural color.

Esaias was born with streaks of red in his hair and deep, dark blue tattoos all over his body.  It was rare for him to be born with hair and tattoos of different colors.  He had learned early on that he could control fire and later in life he had learned he could control water.  He had not had formal training.  It was a miracle he had survived twenty years without any sort of training.

He had grown up on the street of a town some miles from Lonan.  His human mother had been very sick and had died only a few years after Esaias was born.  She had not had much and Esaias was forced to fend for himself out on the streets of the city.  He did not know who his elven father had been and he didn’t care.  If the man had not shown up to help his mother through her hard time than he did not care at all about the son she had borne.

Esaias sighed and looked back up at the tower.  He didn’t feel he needed training, but he felt it wouldn’t hurt to at least speak with someone.  When he was little he didn’t know what he was.  He never understood why people were afraid of him, but as he grew older he found out why.  He had not sought out the Azure Towers until now.

Now, he had a reason.

“Esaias, look!”  A elven girl of about six years old cried from behind him.

The little girl had very pale skin covered in deep blue runes.  Her hair was an unnatural sea-blue.  Her smile was bright and her sea-blue eyes sparkled as she lifted her hand into the air.  A small ball of water had floated from the fountain.  The ball of water churned and slowly formed into a unicorn.  The girl’s smile grew bigger and her laughter rang out like tiny bells.

People stopped to stare.  At first they seemed frightened of the Raeca child displaying her magic, but something about her smile, her laughter made them smile too.

“Euna, what did I tell you about using magic out in the open?  People already hate us enough, seeing you will upset them even more.”  Esaias moved over and closed his hand over the watery unicorn.  It sizzled and evaporated into the air.

Euna put her hands on her hips and scowled adorably at Esaias, “They already know what we are, Sai.  Why do we have to hide who we are?”

“Because people don’t like us and because they don’t like us they’ll try to kill us or worse.  You know that even better than I do.  Now come on, let’s go.”  He held out a hand to Euna.

Euna’s expression grew dark and she looked down at the ground.  After a moment she took Esaias’s hand, “I’m sorry, Sai.  I won’t do it again.”

The two Raeca disappeared into the crowded streets as they made their way to the Azure Towers. 

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